Policy Design

CITY aims at addressing the challenges of urbanization in Pakistan with the use of technology and data-driven policy. With the rapid growth of cities and increasing strain on infrastructure, environment, and public services, proper planning and effective urban
management are crucial.

Our team leverages deep learning technology, prediction models and data-driven methodologies and  to tackle complex issues faced by cities in Pakistan. Our focus is on three interrelated themes of the urban system: Urban Development and Growth, Urban Mobility, and Urban Environment and Health.


With the proliferation of mobile and electronic devices, publicly available sensing modalities, and increasing digitalization of processes, this project aims to embrace the technological revolution of data-driven decision making in urban management and planning. We collaborate with academic experts, corporations, development authorities and government institutions in formulating policy recommendations, policy briefs and consultations.

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Policy Measures for speed Management

As the number of cars grows and cities expand, road traffic accidents are bound to happen. Humans are prone to mistakes but our job is to design a road network and implement policies that mitigate the harm related to those mistakes. Our roads, emergency services, and road safety policies need to eliminate the risk of death in RTCs. One of the most crucial factors in reducing fatalities is speed. The WHO estimates that an adult pedestrian has less than a 20% risk of dying if struck by a car travelling below 50 km/h, but almost a 60% risk of dying if hit at 80 km/h.