Land Use Classification
Cities around the world are facing tremendous pressure due to rapid urbanization. They are being extended haphazardly especially in developing countries, putting strain on already depleting natural recourses. The land-use conversion to built-up areas harms the urban environment significantly. The most immediate implications of this land-use/land cover (LULC) conversion are the transition of Land Surface Temperature (LST) and the creation of Urban Heat Islands.
This land cover classification is used in analyzing how living patterns are changing in a country or a city over time. It can also be used as used as a covariate to estimate the effects of changes in living quality and standards over the years. It is combined with Land Surface Temperature to see what impact temporal changes of land cover have on urban heating. Additionally the water class of land cover is used to measure how much water is available for different crop fields.
Urban Environment and Health

Project Lead: Ahmed Waseem

Output: LULC conversion trends
Urban Heat Island Mapping