Transit Oriented Development

Pakistani cities are facing several mobility related issues from traffic congestion to toxic air quality, high road accidents, and an exponentially increasing number of motor vehicles.
Lahore, being the second largest city of Pakistan, is no exception to these mobility problems. Public transit in Lahore, the city with the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and metro train system of Pakistan, does not serve the majority of the population or cover a wide service area. 


CITY has undertaken the following service outputs:

  • Identification of transit nodes that have the utmost potential for TOD.
  • Design of a development framework to encourage compact development around transit nodes.
  • Quantification of the number of housing units and jobs created by redesigning a transit node.

CITY analyses potential sites/nodes for urban regeneration through transit-oriented development (TOD).The public transit system and consequent land use in Lahore so far is a classic example of a transit adjacent development, and not Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). While planning for Lahore, planning
for accessibility, quality, and capacity of public transit along with optimal utilization is imperative. CITY is exploring two mass transit routes (i.e.,
Metrobus and Orange Line Train) to identify the transit nodes that have utmost potential for TOD.