CITY at LUMS recently concluded a workshop on "GIS-based tools for Resource Allocation and Route Planning of Waste Collection Vehicles" at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Peshawar.
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We kicked off a dynamic capacity-building workshop on data-driven tools for enhancing road safety for Punjab Emergency Services Department (RESCUE 1122).
Team Urban Tech Pakistan and Team atomcamp held a meeting on 8th November, 2022 at the Lahore University of Management Sciences. The research team at Urban Tech Pakistan briefed Atomcamp about their research threads and recent developments. Team Urban Tech has about 20 ongoing research threads. Both teams explored possibilities for collaboration in various research areas such as tree count baseline and target potential and green space benchmarks in different cities of Pakistan.
URBAN DICTIONARY CITY’s Urban Dictionary Initiative fosters crossdisciplinary education, decoding the intricacies of city life. Uncovering the language of urban planning and design, promoting informed insights […]